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on Freitag, 4. September 2015 at 20:19, Louis Proyect via Marxism quoted:

> The refugee problem is mainly a Syrian refugee problem, 

  No, this is a superficial view based on the most recent wave of thousands of 
refugees coming from Turkey via the Greek islands off the Turkish coast and 
using the Balkan route via Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary to come to central 
Europe, mostly aiming for Germany. There also refugees from Afghanistan, but 
they are not so prominent in this wave. 

  In the older refugee routes in the central Mediterranean sea, there are also 
many people from Syria, but a larger part from Eritrea, Somalia and other 
places. And people from central and western Africa; those being most prominent 
in the far west, trying to cross the separation wall surrounding the Spanish 
enclaves on the northern Maroccan coast. 

  And then thouse how come from north of the mediteranean sea, those from 
Albania, Kosovo, and other parts of former Jugoslavia. 

Lüko Willms
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