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During the election campaign in Canada's recent federal election (October) I 
was watching news coverage of a Conservative rally.  One individual from the 
floor of the meeting said, "Do you know how many children drown in swimming 
pools every year?"  it took me a moment to catch on to what he was saying.  He 
was referring to the drowning death of Aylan Kurdi and the wave of sympathy 
that the news of that death provoked.  Apparently he was trying to undercut 
that sympathy.  It struck me as a rather stupid thing to say.

So this week when I heard a fragment on a CBC program referring to the 
suggestion that Kurdi might have grown up to be an "ass groper," I assumed that 
this had come from a similar right wing source.  It did not occur to me that 
this might have been from Charlie Hebdo.  Maybe I am living in the past, still 
seeing Charlie Hebdo as coming out of the radicalization of '68.

Why does Charlie Hebdo do such stupid things?  I don't believe the editors are 
stupid and I don't think they have some great character flaw.  I think they do 
not understand the national question.  And I think they have an entirely 
mistaken conception of how we can challenge the hold of religious belief.

                                        ken h
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