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 Ken Wrote:

"Maybe I am living in the past, still seeing Charlie Hebdo as coming out of the 
radicalization of '68."

So did Christopher Hitchens. But he became an apologist for Imperialism and 
Bush's invasion of Iraq- A pro-imperialist hack.
These are not stupid things.  They have become (and have been for a while) 
racist Islamophobic apologists for France's supposed superior Republican ideas 
under the guise of being against "religion".
Better question is why does anyone on the left keep apologizing for them?
Just my opinion.

Why does Charlie Hebdo do such stupid things?  I don't believe the editors are 
stupid and I don't think they have some great character flaw.  I think they do 
not understand the national question.  And I think they have an entirely 
mistaken conception of how we can challenge the hold of religious belief.

                    ken h
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