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On 4/20/16 9:04 AM, A.R. G wrote:
The rest of it is worse. If CP keeps publishing shit like this they will
give validity to the smears Greenstein and friends launched last summer

I just hope that CounterPunch, for its own sake, does not ever publish Felton's views on the holocaust. The business about Höss and Conan below comes straight out of the Ernst Zundel/Robert Faurisson/David Irving playbook.

The Holocaust has been so polluted by propaganda that it’s virtually impossible to separate fact from disinformation, so I cannot say for certain if Ahmadinejad is right. For its part, the International Committee of the Red Cross published a three-volume report in 1948 in which it found no evidence of systematic genocide. On the other hand, estimates of Jewish deaths range from 470,000 to 9 million!

I believe Ahmadinejad is wrong to deny the Holocaust outright, but he is right to call into question the dogmatic acceptance of Zionist verities, such as Auschwitz’s Crematorium I, which exists today. As reporter Eric Conan wrote in a lengthy 1995 exposé for France’s L’Express:

“In 1948, when the Museum was created, Crematorium I was reconstructed in a supposed original state. Everything about it is false (Tout y est faux): the dimensions of the gas chamber, the locations of the doors, the openings for pouring in Zyklon B, the ovens (rebuilt according to the recollections of some survivors), the height of the chimney.”

Also, the new plaque at the entrance to Auschwitz reflects the Polish government’s revision of the number of dead from 4 million to 1.5 million. The 4 million figure came from Capt. Rudolph Höss, the camp commandant, whose testimony has been discredited.

Despite the reduction of 2.5 million, the Zionist figure of 6 million is still maintained. Clearly, this number is pure myth, and Ahmadinejad is at least partly right.

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