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So the Labour Party held the no confidence vote in Jeremy Corbyn today. 172 MPs 
voted to say they had no confidence in their leader and 40 voted to support him.

This means the coup has successfully deepened and widened and what started in 
the Blairite camps has spread through the centre and soft left MPs who had 
previously sided with Jezza.

This all means that a leadership election is inevitable – the *crucial* 
question in the short term is whether Corbyn is automatically placed on any new 
ballot (the opposition argue that this is not the case. If it isn’t then he’s 
unlikely to get the numbers needed to put him there. He’ll go and so will tens 
of thousands of new members).

If he is automatically on the ballot however, then there’s nothing to suggest 
that he still doesn’t enjoy overwhelming support from the membership and won’t 
be returned as leader. 

Even so, the scale of opposition (81%) makes the smooth running of the party 
impossible; this is obviously no small problem.

More importantly, Corbyn’s wider popularity is still untested (sort of - he has 
consistently abysmal approval ratings but defied expectations in local 
elections twice this year - if he hadn’t then this coup would have happened a 
lot earlier). This is a *real* problem although I feel slightly dirty to admit 
it as the plotters are using it as the pretext for their coup. It is a real 
problem though because there is likely to be a snap general election before 
Christmas designed to give Cameron’s successor the mandate they’ll obviously 
need considering the UK is currently an anarchy with nobody leading government 
or the opposition. 

So another consequence of Brexit is that Corbynism is likely to be given its 
ultimate test way before anybody envisaged. I’m afraid I don’t believe Corbyn 
can win a GE (I’d obviously love him too but that’s not the point). I’ll 
continue to support him and go to any more demo’s as needed but I think the 
smart move would be to try and reunite Labour by offering Jeremy to step down 
but only if he’s replaced with McDonnell - preferably uncontested - but even if 
not, McDonnell would receive the same thumping mandate as Corbyn. This is 
unlikely to appease the rebels however, as McDonnell is Corbyn’s closest ally 
and from precisely the same political mould. My reason for suggesting it is 
simply that I think McDonnell is genuinely electable and the media would have 
little time to compile/ compose the sort of character assassination against him 
as they already have Corbyn.

Corbyn has just refused to resign (which is the response everybody expected).

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From: Gary MacLennan
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