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Clay--and everyone--it is difficult not to get incensed when such issues as 
giving critical support to an imperialist warmonger (because you fear a 
potential fascist imperialist warmonger) on one hand and the fear that the 
bourgeois elections may actually initiate a new wave of repression and 
state-sanctioned racist slaughter at the hands of police at the behest of 
capitalist government on the other. 

Let me assure you, Clay. It is likely that this wave of racist mayhem will 
continue--regardless who is elected--because it is in the interests of the 
capitalist class to foment ever more strident divisions and perpetuate the 
facade of both White and U.S. working class privilege (among all "colors").  
If you truly consider yourself a Marxist, you would understand that very 
warranted fear of yours has a material basis and not one based on the person in 
power. You should easily see that if you've even casually observed the last 8 
years through the leadership of capitalism from a Black president. 
The only reason that this racism and slaughter will abate is if the masses 
finally step into the picture saying we have had Enough! It is not the small 
population of true racists in the U.S. that is likely to hold sway, but the 
will--hampered by state-developed confusion, miseducation, and media 
manipulation--of the vast majority of working people--ESPECIALLY the Oppressed 
who need to come to the fore. That is why the focus on Clinton and not on 
Trump. There is no blind spot here; Only fear. 
The historical crisis of leadership of the working masses is not just an 
observation but a firm reality. Ask yourself how supporting Clinton will remove 
the blinders from this fact? Ask yourself how you can so clearly see the 
relevance and bravery of the Syrian masses to the actual anti-imperialist 
struggle and not see the blunder in supporting the imperialist demagogue 
Clinton because you fear she will be less a threat than the racist demagogue 
Trump? Neither of these individuals matters because what they both stand to 
support is the same class rule, the same need to divide the masses, the same 
need to intensify the militarization and occupation of the oppressed in this 
country, and the continued need to produce new opportunities for profitability 
at the expense of the people of the world and of our planet. 

Unfortunately, I don't expect you to change your mind; you seem too bent on 
your fears and blindness. I just hope you will still end up on the side of the 
working class when this reality sets in. It is likely that Clinton will win and 
apparently you--and your fear and blindness--will have contributed. It is 
likely to happen because the masses, right now, will believe you when you say 
that there truly is a "lesser evil" when there is actually not. 

Just remember to return to the side of the oppressed when you are done. You're 
no more of a "diva" than most of the other folk here (including our moderator), 
 but please remember that treachery is also a material, class-based phenomenon. 
It is NEVER about what you say, but about what you do--or did. The road to 
betrayal is paved by a single word. Or vote. Redemption requires a history of 
effort. Just remember.                                    
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