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Nice try at obscuring that white nationalists (not white male status
anxiety) driving the campaign. You had to stick to [illegal] immigration
and not even talk about the people - immigrates. If you strayed a bit - you
would have to incorporate the Trump campaign HATRED for Muslims and blacks
into your its all about neo-liberalism meme.

Obviously I can't speak for others on this list, but as a Marxist, I
support the free flow of labor across borders. There are no real
restrictions on the flow of capital but the capitalist impose it on labor -
in part by declaring a part of their labor "illegal", a label you clearly
endorse. As a Marxist I don't subscribe to Trump's brand of nationalism or

Excuse me now I have a chassis swap to attend to in DCOPs-DFW.

Best regards,


Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Carl G. Estabrook <galli...@illinois.edu>

> [Trump’s attack on illegal immigration is an attack on neoliberalism - and
> the misery neoliberal policies have produced for much of the US population
> over the last 40 years - while enriching the 1%. The following is from <
> https://www.jacobinmag.com/2011/01/let-them-eat-diversity/>.]
> ...who’s for illegal immigration? As far as I know ... the only people who
> are openly for illegal immigration are neoliberal economists.
> First of all, neoliberal economists are completely for open borders, in
> so far as that’s possible. Friedman said years ago that, “You can’t have a
> welfare state and open borders,” but of course the point of that was “open
> the borders, because that’ll kill the welfare state.” There’s a good paper
> you can get off the web by Gordon Hanson, commissioned by whoever runs
> Foreign Affairs, and the argument is that illegal immigration is better
> than legal immigration, because illegal immigration is extremely responsive
> to market conditions.
> So it’s quite striking that you have all this protesting against illegal
> immigration, and especially at a time when it’s down. So why are people so
> upset about it? They are upset about it not because it has gotten worse, it
> hasn’t, but because they somehow recognize that one of the primary sort of
> marks of the triumph of neoliberalism in the US is a very high tolerance of
> illegal immigration, and that illegal immigration is the kind of ne plus
> ultra of the labor mobility that neoliberalism requires. I mean that’s why
> for years — even though it’s a kind of contradiction in terms — as a policy
> it’s worked well. The Bush administration did everything it could to talk
> against illegal immigration but leave it alone and I’m sure the Obama
> administration would do the same thing except its hand’s being forced by
> the Tea Party.
> ...The Tea Party thinks that immigrants are taking away their money. It’s
> not immigrants who are taking away their money; it’s neoliberalism that’s
> taking away their money. And this is true even though the Tea Party is a
> disproportionately upper middle class movement. There is some debate about
> that, but what theTimes survey shows, at least in part, is that Tea
> Partiers in general are richer than most Americans, closer to the top 20
> percent than they are to the middle. But if you look at the distribution of
> income in the last 10 years what you’re struck by is that the top 20
> percent looks like it’s done very well in relation to everyone else and the
> top 10 percent looks like it’s done very very well in relation to everyone
> else but it’s the top 1 percent who have really made out like bandits. And
> if you separate out the top 1 percent from the rest of the 19 that makes up
> the top 20, the 19 have more or less stayed still, they have not increased
> their proportion of the share of the US income very much over the past
> 10–15 years. Almost all the increase has gone to the top 1 percent. So you
> now have a threat even to the upper middle class, which for the first 15–20
> years of neoliberalism benefited from it tremendously, but which is now not
> exactly losing ground in relation to the country as a whole, but is losing
> ground in relation to this new phenomenon, this extraordinary success of
> the top 1, or to some extent, the top 5 percent. And you begin to see those
> people actually feeling a certain sense of anxiety...
> People always bridle when I say this, but I really doubt that the main
> issue here is white male status anxiety. Obviously I’m not in a position to
> say there aren’t people who are experiencing it. What I’m saying is that
> people in the Tea Party movement have a problem that is realer than “white
> male status anxiety,” that the economic shifts that are taking place, the
> more and more extreme inequality, the more and more going to the top, no
> doubt some people may be unhappy because of loss of status, but many
> millions more are going to be unhappy because of the loss of actual money.
> So my point isn’t really to deny the phenomenon of status anxiety, it’s
> just to point out the extraordinaire eagerness of American liberals to
> identify racism as the problem, so that anti-racism (rather than
> anti-capitalism) can be the solution...
> —CGE
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 10:15 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> I am so amazed that people on this list aren't more troubled by Trump's
> racism. Did you hear his speech on immigration?
> Nobody here comments.Nobody here cares. Where are the exposures of Trump's
> white nationalist connections.
> I feel like the treachery of the "anti-imperialist" Left,which is no
> stranger to white chauvinism, has come home/
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