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Louis's article in North Star is excellent. When I read the rubbish Ben Kunkel 
and Bhaskar Sunkara have written, making arguments that have been made for 
decades, and are even more foolish now than they were then, I want to just give 
up. What hope is there for radical change in the United States. Not much. 
Jacobin just posted an essay wondering what we can do to make sure that the 
choices we face in the 2036 election won't be as bleak as the ones we face 
today. By 2036, most of the Brooklyn intellectuals around Jacobin will have 
long since moved to the right, so the question will be be moot.

Louis also posted an article from the BBC, asking why people are still living 
in East Aleppo. All of the Assad supporters (some open, some de facto) seem 
absolutely callous to the death and misery rained down on Syrians by Assad and 
Putin. It really does make you sick to contemplate this.

Gary has written a fine screed on the stupidity of the lesser evil argument. We 
are either radicals or we are not. And as ee cummings had olaf say in his poem, 
there is some shit i will not eat.
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