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Ralph Johansen wrote:

"On this sodden election day here in the US, I'm reminded of this, which pretty 
much puts it in a nutshell. If we look beyond the dismal punditry out there 
about causes, consequences and the possibilities for change, I see this as one 
of the more profound, explicit statements of the problem and solution by John 
Smith in the final chapter of his fine book Imperialism in the 21st Century 
published by your invaluable MR Press, Michael."

Thanks for the kind words, Ralph. John Smith's book is path-breaking I think. I 
kept after him for several years to make sure the book got done. John is a 
truly gracious and humble man, and a fine and rigorous scholar. It was an honor 
to work with him. He has another book in the works, which I am confident that 
we will publish.

Solidarity, Michael
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