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As someone campaigning for single payer locally before the Board of Supervisors and the Health Care District, this suggested much to me about Senator Bernie Outreach the reform Democrat and his ties to the Senator from Wall Street:


'The senator from Vermont also tweeted <https://twitter.com/SenSanders/status/845671102345039872> on Saturday, "Right now we need to improve the Affordable Care Act and that means a public option."

But corporate crime watchdog and single-payer advocate Russell Mokhiber warned against embracing the public option <http://www.singlepayeraction.org/2017/03/26/single-payer-bernie-sanders-morphs-into-public-option-howard-dean/> as a stand-in or even a stepping stone for Medicare for All.

In a piece published Sunday, Mokhiber quoted pediatrician and PNHP member Margaret Flowers, who co-directs the group Health Over Profit for Everyone. She said:

   Introducing a public option will divide and confuse supporters of
   Medicare-for-All. Senators who should co-sponsor Medicare-for-All
   will be divided. Sanders seems to be urging a public option to
   please the Democratic Party, but Sanders cannot serve two
   masters—Wall Street's Chuck Schumer and the people. Sanders must
   decide whom he is working for.

   While it might seem politically pragmatic to support a public
   option, it is not realistically pragmatic because a public option
   will not work. Senator Sanders knows that and he knows that the
   smallest step toward solving the healthcare crisis is National
   Improved Medicare for All. This would fundamentally change our
   health system that currently treats health as a commodity so that
   people only have access to what they can afford to a system that
   treats health as a public necessity so that people have access to
   what they need. Medicare-for-All achieves the savings needed to
   provide comprehensive coverage to everyone.

"We look to Senator Sanders to act on what he promised during his presidential campaign, a national improved Medicare-for-All now, not tomorrow," Flowers said. "Tomorrow never comes. It is not up to him to decide if single-payer can pass in Congress. That task is for the people to decide."'

The people have already decided, polling 70% in favor of Single Payer. What we need and are not getting are Senators and Representatives who are respectful of that decision. We insure against accidents and disasters elsewhere, everywhere, of people, property and nature, often affordably, but this fundamental imperative to protect human health affordably is barred by a powerful medical complex, who conceal from us the glaring fact that we are the only major country on earth not to guarantee healthcare to all people as a right.

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