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cast my first vote in 1964 --- yes, I apologize for not mentioning 1964, I
thought Goldwater was a potential war monger (but I dont' think I thought
he was a fascist -- just in bed with the Southern racists).

Let me be clear -- DEMOCRATS may have played the "fear of ultra-right
policies" every election since 1948 (but mostly they ran against Herbert
Hoover till about 1972) --- but I am talking about leftists ---Old age
addles the memory (this memory) but I am convinced that aside from 2004 and
2016, the "fear of fascism" argument was NOT prevalent on the left --- (buy
maybe I am engaging in selective memory -- it happens!)

1972 -- McGovern was going to end the War in Vietnam - leftists supported
him for that positive reason

1976 -- leftists didn't give a shit --

1980 --- were leftists yelling that Reagan was a fascist?

1984 -- Maybe -- based on some right-wing policies of the first Reagan

1988 -- don't remember leftists saying Bush was a fascist

1992 -- ditto

1996 --- leftists couldn't stand Clinton

2000 -- already mentioned that one

2004 --- the "ayatollahs" of the religious right with their "God, Gays and
Guns" campaigns didn start to scare lots of people

2008 -- optimistic "takes" on Obama

2012 -- ditto

2016 -- Trump and incipient fascist

On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 6:04 PM, Mark Lause <markala...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nothing done by Bush was done without active Democratic collusion.
> Don't rely on your member to go back past 2004.  Talk to someone who was
> around at the time or read a book.  The threat on the Right argument has
> been absolutely central to the Democratic strategy for decades.  God knows,
> it's not as though they even bother to promise us much any more in terms of
> new policies.
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 5:54 PM, Michael Meeropol <mamee...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> MAYBE in 2004 --- I don't remember worries about incipient fascism before
>> that --- (maybe 1984??)
>> in 2000 virtually the entire left argued that a vote for Gore was
>> worthless ...most of us didn't think Bush would be as bad as he turned out
>> to be ...
>> It is possible that Bush's policies in office spooked a lot of lefties
>> into wanting to get into bed with liberals --- I confess I'm guilty ---
>> hence the fears expressed in 2004 and the (now ridiculous) enthusiasm for
>> Obama in 2008 ....
>> But anyone with eyes and ears in 2016 should have seen fascism coming in
>> the person of Trump and his coalition ...
>> On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 5:43 PM, Mark Lause <markala...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> We've heard this "true danger of fascism" argument every election in my
>>> lifetime.
>>> Aside from his record-level miserable character, Trump's been able to be
>>> as awful as he has been precisely because the Democrats have been
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