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A weel-known socialist might disagree with you. Marx might think it worthwhile 
to be free of EU ‘constitutionalism’:



> On Jul 11, 2018, at 3:57 PM, John Reimann via Marxism 
> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> "What we now need is a socialist Brexit." Yes, and what the jumper from the
> Golden Gate Bridge needed was the suspension of the laws of gravity.
> Unfortunately for both the jumper and the "Lexiteers", I'm not sure which
> is less likely.
> A lot of things can be said and a lot denied about the Brexit vote. One
> thing that cannot be denied with any degree of truth is that it was a right
> wing, anti-immigrant vote. Sure, some - maybe most - of the workers who
> voted for Brexit may not have been chauvinists, but every single interview
> I saw of Brexit voters, including some pro-Brexit interviews, showed the
> workers as saying that first and foremost the reason they voted for Brexit
> was immigration.
> The entire Brexit vote was predicated on the idea that workers would be
> better off under the rule of British capitalism vs. European capitalism.
> This means that British workers should ally themselves with with the
> British capitalist class. Inevitably, this means at the cost of allying
> itself with the European working class.
> Unfortunately, the anti-Brexit campaign limited itself in this sense: It
> wasn't enough to campaign *against *Brexit; it was and is necessary to link
> that with a campaign *for* something. That "something" was and is
> pan-European working class unity and a pan-European campaign for a
> region-wide minimum wage, region-wide minimum social safety net, etc. The
> Brexit vote makes that all the more difficult.
> As far as the issue of the EU enforcing austerity: We should remember
> Marx's comment that law represents established fact. So do the EU mandates,
> and the established fact is that EU mandates or not, global capitalism
> requires national austerity. Show me one single capitalist government - EU
> member or not - that is not enforcing this sort of austerity.
> The "left" can comfort itself with "Lexit" all it likes. It remains nothing
> but a nice fairy tale which was and is preordained to come into existence
> as much as is the tale of Cinderella.
> John Reimann
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