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Sorry to once again restate my "the fascists are coming" wolf-cry --- but
of course I really do believe it.
The Democratic Party got a HIGHER margin over the Republicans than the
Republicans did over the DEMS in the 2010 midterms -- that is a WAVE of
voters no matter how much it was blunted by the Senate map and
gerrymandering --

The leadership can be pushed BACK towards a New Deal style set of policies
--- but just as important -- they can be dragged kicking and screaming into
an anti-Trump coalition.

There's a great line from the song "Deliver the Goods" (probably written by
Woody Guthrie) about World War II

"Now me and my boss, we never did agree
If a thing helped him, then it didn['t help me!
But when a burglar tries to bust in to your house
You stop fighting with the Landlord and throw him out!"

The Soviet Union united with the United States to fight Hitler after Pearl
Harbor --- the anti-imperialist anti-war activists were in coalition with
Democrats -- even "war criminals for peace" --- in the early 1970s as
Congress gave the coup de grace to Nixon and FOrd's hope to keep propping
up "South Vietnam" ---

I think we just guarantee our irrelevance if we keep reminding ourselves
how rotten the Dems are ...

that's not where the people of the resistance are ---

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