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Re: A comment posted to my post on "Democratic Socialism: a hot commodity" 

I don’t have the figures in front of me, but if reports are accurate that a 
large number of young people are in some way sympathetic to socialist ideas, 
then I think it is unlikely that we can characterize them as "upper middle 
class educated white hipster socialist grifters," simply because the upper 
middle class is a rather small part of the overall population.

One point where we might agree is that this affinity for socialist ideas 
appears to be shift from the popularity of anarchist ideas.  What I had 
observed in past decades is that only a small number of activists had studied 
and adopted anarchist ideas as the centre of their work, but nevertheless, for 
many of them anarchism was their default position.  This was a negative 
judgement of various socialist currents including those that identified with 
the Russian Revolution.

                ken h
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