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On 3/6/19 3:06 PM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:
I don’t have the figures in front of me, but if reports are accurate that a large number 
of young people are in some way sympathetic to socialist ideas, then I think it is 
unlikely that we can characterize them as "upper middle class educated white hipster 
socialist grifters," simply because the upper middle class is a rather small part of 
the overall population.

I interpreted that as a reference to those who were "upper middle class educated", in other words, who went to Columbia, NYU, Dartmouth or, as the New York Magazine indicated, the U. of Chicago:

In between frequent cigarette breaks, Kinnucan sketched his version of this progression. Graduate from the University of Chicago in 2009; get bogged down in the post-crash economy; drift to Occupy Wall Street in 2011; get radicalized. “There was a Twitter hashtag and internet meme, #SIFUAB: Shit is fucked up and bullshit,” he recalled fondly. “There was a large element of collectivizing depression. The genre of meme where you write on a piece of paper and hold up the amount of student loans you have.”

He mentioned another Occupy hashtag: #nodads. It means, loosely, “Screw the Man.” And the anti-Establishment cynicism it connoted precluded people like him from engaging in something as compromised as electoral politics. When Occupy died, Kinnucan withdrew from activism, worked on his writing, and scraped by as a math tutor. Two things changed that. First, Bernie. “Sanders was different, because Sanders was the idea that most people agreed with us and we could just win outright. Not, like, block highways and get arrested, but some day take power.” Then, Trump. “It took an emotional crisis,” as Kinnucan puts it, to get off the sidelines.
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