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I have been told the following offlist
I saw some of your posts on Marxmail about Tim Wohlforth and wanted to correct 
a minor point, one erroneously being promoted by wikipedia: he was never a 
member of the Socialist Youth League.

The Socialist Youth League merged with a group of dissident Young Socialists 
(formerly YPSL) like Bogdan Denitch and Mike Harrington in February 1954 to 
launch the Young Socialist League. Afterwards Scott Arden and Bogdan Denitch 
went on a cross-country tour to promote it, visiting Oberlin College where Tim 
Wohlforth and his wife Martha went to school and recruited them in March. So he 
was a member of the YSL, but not the SYL; joining only after the merger."

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Matt Kelly via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Tim Wohlforth
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 10:01:42 +0300


Jim Farmelant says:

That obit says that he was a member of the DSA when he was young. I don't think 
so, since the DSA didn't exist back then. More likely he was a member of the  
Socialist Youth League, which was the youth arm of Max Shachtman's Independent 
Socialist League.

Jim is correct. He was a member of the Shachtman youth organisation then a 
member of the SWP youth organisation, organising the Revolutionary Tendency 
(Wohlforth, Mage & Robertson). This was expelled and organised themselves as an 
external tendency for a number of years before talks with Healy’s group in 
England started.

As with anything touching on Healyism, Wohlforthism & Spartacicm, there is 
copious documentation for those with plenty of time on their hands!

'In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old 
tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag 
and strikes for her freedom.' Proclamation of Independence, 1916.

'The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain 
of the living.' Karl Marx, 1852.


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