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In 1957, E M Forster wrote of his greatest work:

“The India described in *A Passage to India* no longer exists either
politically or socially. Change had begun even at the time the book was
published (1924) and during the following quarter of a century it
accelerated enormously … there was the termination of the British Raj;
there was the division of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan and the
entry of them both into world affairs; there was the abolition of the
Native states; there was the weakening of purdah and of caste; there was
the increase of industrialism.  All these changes occurred in the 1940s,
and with them has come the double impact on the peninsula of the USA and
the USSR – two countries which are not mentioned in the novel at all.”

The subcontinent has changed even more since 1957, yet, as Robert McCrum
wrote in *The Guardian *in 2014, “*A Passage to India* stands as a
strangely timeless achievement.”

Forster’s achievement was reached after. . .

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