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In December, 1965, I was an undergraduate at Cambridge University finishing
up a two year BA degree after getting my US BA in 1964.   The first year at
Cambridge, I lived at the college (KIng's)  and E.M. Forster's bedroom was
right beneath my room --- That led to my meeting him and he even once
invited me to tea.   He was an extremely nice, friendly, man --- but that's
not what I want to share.   The idea that A PASSAGE TO INDIA is a timeless
work of art was brought home to me in December of 1965 when King's College
hosted it's annual "Founders Day" dinner --- The Provost of the College,
Noel Annan, gave the main speech and towards the end of it he said he
wanted to highlight two "great Kingsmen" -- one who has long since left us
and one who is still with us,   The first person he talked about Keynes ---
I don't remember a thing he said about Keynes --- Then he turned to Forster
(who it appears everyone called "Morgan" even though that was his middle
name)   Here is Annan's quote -- spoke with INCREDIBLE FORCE as if he was
concluding an argument before Parliament -

"When all of us in this room are dust ..... And everything we have ever
written is COVERED in dust ..... A Passage to India will be read and
cherished ....."

Based on the article written over 50 years later, he (Annan) knew what he
was talking about ....

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