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Louis Proyect quotes an address from Marx in which Marx advocates the
working class running its own candidates, even if that candidate stands no
chance of winning. In the first place, that was in a completely different
situation. Second, and more important: Marx was talking about candidates
coming from a working class movement, and that is exactly the difference.
The Greens are not a working class party; they are a petit bourgeois party.
They did not develop out of a movement of the working class and have no
base in any part of the working class movement.

In 2016 I voted for the Green Party candidate for president. That was a
mistake.  First of all because at that time I did not see the importance of
their VP candidate's support for Assad. And as for Stein - I didn't see the
significance of her flirtation (to say the least) with Putin.

More to the point, I had thought that a layer of the Sandersnista youth
might turn to the Green Party and transform it, give it some real life.
From there, given the huge political vacuum in the working class, I thought
the GP might actually become a working class party. This is as opposed to
in Germany, for example, where they seem to have become a capitalist party
on the "left" margins of the spectrum. I went to a few GP meetings here in
Oakland. There was no sign of those youth here. I don't think the Greens
will be transformed; I think they will remain a petit bourgeois party, and
I would not vote for their candidates again.

This is not meant to advocate voting for the Democrat; it's just meant to
say that I think the Greens don't deserve the support of socialists.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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