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~~~~~~~~~~~(((( T h e B u l l e t ))))~~~~~~~~~~~
A Socialist Project e-bulletin ... No. 2144 ... July 12, 2020

Cuba in the Last Stretch of the Pandemic<https://socialistproject.ca/?p=2844>

The following article by Fernando Ravsberg appeared in the Salvadorian digital 
daily news site ContraPunto on June 24. The translation from the Spanish, which 
includes a few explanatory additions, is by The Bullet.

It is worth mentioning some of the significant developments that have occurred 
in the two weeks since Ravsberg’s article appeared.

Cuba’s efforts against the virus continue to show remarkable results. July 7 
marked the 11th consecutive day without a single death attributable to 
Covid-19. As of that date, the country had seen only 2,399 confirmed cases of 
infection by the virus, and of these, 2,242 of those infected have recovered. 
The death toll is only 86.

Significantly, given the experience of wealthy countries in North America and 
Western Europe, not a single Cuban health worker, whether a doctor or a floor 
cleaner, has succumbed to the virus.

Continue reading<https://socialistproject.ca/?p=2844#more>

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