I think that Marx hit the nail on the
head when he wrote in a letter to
Ferdinand Lassalle:

 "Darwin’s work is most important and 
suits my purpose in that it provides 
a basis in natural science for the 
historical class struggle. ... Despite 
all shortcomings, it is here that, 
for the first time, ‘teleology’ in 
natural science is not only dealt a 
mortal blow but its rational meaning 
is empirically explained."

As Marx recognized right away, Darwin's
work struck a fatal blow against the
use of teleological explanations in
the natural sciences.  In that sense,
Darwin's work completed the revolution
in the life sciences that had been initiated
by Descartes in the 17th century.

However, Jscot is right that Darwinism
leaves untouched the teleomonic character
of living organisms, and indeed it provides
an explanation of why living organisms
should have the appearance of being purposive
and goal-directed.  All this is explained
quite lucidly in Richard Dawkins's book,
*The Blind Watchmaker*, which takes note
the fact that Darwin, as a divinity student
at Cambridge, had studied quite intensively
the works of the British theologian and
natural historian, William Paley, whose
writings placed great emphasis on the
appearance of purposiveness in organic
nature as evidence for the existence of
a divine creator.  Darwin's own work
showed that this apparent purposiveness
could be explained naturalistically in
causal terms without the positing of
a divine or supernatural intelligence.

Having said that, evolutionary biologists
do debate such things as whether 
evolution, viewed on a broad scale,
has any inherent trends or tendencies
over time.  Stephen Jay Gould was rather
skeptical about that, arguing that if we
could somehow rerun the "rewind the tape"
of evolutionary history we would get
quite different results each time.
Other people, such as Dawkins, do 
argue that there are certain longterm
trends inherent in evolution.  Thus,
Dawkins, as I understand him, argues
that there is a longterm tendency for
intelligence to develop over time.
This and other related trends are
seen as being driven by the existence
of predator-prey relationship which
leads to "arms races" as organisms evolve
to become either more effective predators
or better protected prey.

Likewise, one could argue that human
history, while lacking an inherent
purpose is not necessarily lacking
a certain directionality. There does
seem to be a longterm tendency for the
forces of production to become more
and more developed, a trend that seems
to be driven by competition between human
societies, with those societies with the
better developed forces of production,
everything else being equal, being
more likely to prevail in political/economic/
military competition with rival societies.
This tendency for the forces of production
to develop, in turn tends to drive the
evolution of modes of production as
various regimes of production rise
and fall on the basis of their acting
to either facilitate the development
of the productive forces or their
acting as fetters on such development.
A given mode of production may act to
promote the development of the productive
forces during one period of time, while
acting as fetters at a later time.
When that happens, further development
is not likely to occur until that
mode of production has been replaced
by a new one that is better suited
to promote further development.

Jim F.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: jscotl...@aol.com
To: farmela...@juno.com
Subject: [Marxism] On "progressive evolution": Was: End of short unhappy life 
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 00:10:19 EDT

Once you deny any immanent teleology to nature, then no natural  
phenomenon, including organic evolution, can be "progressive"
Not teleology, teleonomy: the quality of apparent purposefulness and of  
goal-directedness of structures and functions in living organisms that derive  
from their evolutionary history and adaptation for reproductive  success.

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