S. Artesian (sartes...@earthlink.net) wrote on 2009-08-31 at 13:01:39 in  
about Re: [Marxism] China investing heavily in infrastructure: Railway:
> So let's look at this, China's network is 60,809 km vs the US 192, 123km.
> China  with 2,075,000 employees vs 164,000 
> [149,000 Class 1, 110-125,00 operating employees depending 
> on seasonal requirements and track maintenance programs] 
> and 2,511,804 million net tkm, vs US  2,788,230 million net.
> So each of China's railroad employees "animates" 1.2 million 
> net ton-km over the course of a year.

  No, you forget that the Chinese total does include passenger operations 
which are not included in the US AAR numbers. Also the total line length 
given for China includes passenger railway and dedicated passenger railway 

  Those 2'075'000 workers in Chinese railways also move 1'456.4 million 
passengers over 772'834 million passenger-kilometers per year, increases by 
13% and 12% over 2007 (Amtrak 29 million passengers and 9'935 million 
passenger-km, increases 8% and 7% over 2007). 

  The number of workers includes possibly all the personnel of the MOR 
(Ministry of Railways), including those who a building new lines by the 
thousands of kilometers per year. 

  So the personnel figure is the one which is the least useable in a 
comparison with the US railways. The US network doesn't grow, does it? 
Maybe when Obama's programme for expansion of railways actually becomes 
reality, but before not. Right? 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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