On Mon, 2009-08-31 at 13:24 -0400, Fred Feldman wrote:
> And this is the heart of the QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE for working people,
> including Blacks, Latinos, and the mass of women. Is this bill about
> cutting costs or providing medical care? If it's about cutting costs,
> working people and the oppressed will come out losers, as we always do
> when the government "cuts costs" and we lose jobs, wages, education,
> hospitals and so on and so on.

This bill has some progressive trimmings, but as Business Week has
noted, the health insurance companies have "already won."


"They have beaten us six ways to Sunday," said Gerald Shea of the
AFL-CIO. "Any time we want to make a small change to provide cost
relief, they find a way to make it more profitable."


The bills primary purpose is a bailout for the health insurance complex
which has been hemorrhaging clients during this recession. Mandating
purchase of for profit insurance is just what the doctor ordered for
United Health et al.

As for "cutting costs", since this bill is modeled after the
Massachusetts plan which subsidizes private health insurance for low
income people, there in not likely to be much savings.

Any "public option" that comes out of it is likely to be a feeble thing,
which will be so hobbled with restrictions that it will serve to
discredit the notion of "socialized" insurance, rather than "lead to
Single Payer."

The point about Single Payer of course, is that administrative costs are
greatly reduced. Canada's spending on health care is about 10 percent of
GDP, as opposed to something like 16 percent for the US where millions
have no insurance.

Over 70 Single Payer resolutions have been proposed to the upcoming
AFC-CIO convention, which I will be attending as an alternate delegate
and Labor Campaign for Single payer SC member.

Both on health care and EFCA, the Employee Free Choice Act, labor has
been stiff-armed by the Democrats.  We are heading for some interesting
times, I think.

Jon Flanders

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