Look, Kosslof, if you think the Montoneros were in any way on Perón´s
"left", as most standard "leftists" in Arg believe, then you are so
far away from Marxism that, as I guessed, it is pointless to discuss
any of these issues with you.

2009/9/5 Leonardo Kosloff <holmof...@hotmail.com>:
> Nestor: I agree with all that Lueko has answered you
> Re: what is all that that he ‘has answered’?, he asked me a question, if I 
> have anything to add to the little detail that the Chinese bureaucracy 
> personifies the interests of capital, I assume he then acknowledges that 
> that’s in fact the role of the CCP, am I right Lueko?,
> Nestor: Leonardo you ignorant
> Re: Nestor shows the level of his dialectical materialism once more and 
> addresses me personally –“puteando”: throwing insult- before replying to my 
> claim made two posts ago: that his comments so far implicitly take the 
> consciousness of commodity producers as determined outside the sphere of 
> capital accumulation, that is, as abstract consciousness,… do any of the 
> Nestor’s posts mention value, relative surplus-value, methods of production 
> in China?, do any of Nestor’s posts talk about how workers are separated from 
> the conditions of production, capital is accumulated, in China? Not so far. 
> Hence, unless we understand capital in the same terms of bourgeois political 
> economy, the determinations of consciousness have not been addressed by 
> Nestor -lest you think Marx wrote Capital because he was masturbating-, 
> instead he proceeds to falsely S.Artesian's claim, which is the one my 
> intervention started with: him saying the CCP ‘uses’ capitalism to build 
> socialism, this was Nestor a few posts ago:
> 'It is one thing
> to _use_ capitalism, and a different one to _bow_ to capitalism. The
> whole thing when it comes to the China debate is whether the Chinese
> leadership _uses_ capitalism or _bows_ to it, which implies bowing to
> imperialism. China is not doing the latter. Doing the former, of
> course, entails the most serious risks.  '
> Nestor: I would add a single question:
> Re: As for the <<three>> questions below…
> Nestor: (a) what were the interests and desires
> of Arg workers that Peron, as you bluntly and automatically parrot,
> betrayed?
> Re: Well Nestor, this might just be me masturbating here, but as I take it 
> from the Communist Manifesto, the interests of Argentinean workers run 
> parallel to the interests of workers around the world: the overthrow of 
> capital. Now I suppose you mean specific issues, how Peron exterminated 
> Montoneros, how he was a closet fascist, how he sold out YPF, how he opened 
> the gates to the dictatorship which came after his terms? But may I kindly 
> request you answer my question first, because I think the objective issues 
> (capitalism, for only then can we begin to clear up how these interests have 
> been betrayed) are a tad more important than ideological polemic, again, you 
> wouldn’t want anyone to think that you’re just hiding behind your dialectical 
> mantle in order to ensconce your evasion.
> Nestor: And (b) who are you, what is the stool you stand up on to define what
> were, are or will ever be the interests of Arg workers?
> Re: See above
> Nestor: That is, who do you think you are, Leonardo?
> Re: That’s a nice question to masturbate over, let me do that and get back 
> atcha.
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