Really?  How important was it?  Correa has been quite forceful, physically, 
in his rejection of the indigenous peoples' protest, led by CONAIE, against 
the mineral and mining law that declares minerals to be a public utility 
[thus giving mining something like eminant domain, and priority claims to 
water and land over communities], but a field for private development.

Canada his excavated an open pit copper mine in Ecuador's Amazon region, 
which has become the target of further protests.  To counter that 
resistance, Correa has invited the Canadians to demonstrate their sterling 
record of respect for indigenous cultures to the Ecuadorean people, stating:

""[Canada] has understood how to respect and benefit its ancestral peoples," 
said Correa during a national radio address. The first people to benefit in 
Canada from mining, he added, "are the ancestral peoples."

I am not making this up.  You can read more and Upside Down World.

Taking the side of the people against imperialism--  when he is following 
the recommendations of the imperialists to substitue mining for oil 

No we shouldn't sneer at victories, nor should we disguise capitulation, 
betrayal  as a victory.

The wages of "nationalism" are nothing but surplus value to line the pockets 
of imperialism.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis Proyect" <>
To: "David Schanoes" <>
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet, not commendable in Argentina Re: 
China's high speed rail plans

> After I saw "Crude", the movie about the legal case being pursued in
> Ecuador against Chevron, I was struck by how important the election of
> Rafael Correa was to indigenous peoples. Here was a president who was
> willing to take the side of the people against imperialism, despite his
> failure to live up to Lenin's example. In Latin America, such presidents
> are products of the class struggle. When Indians fight for their rights,
> the election of a Morales or a Correa is a victory. We should not sneer
> at these victories.

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