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The uses of listening to right-wing radio:  Casually flipped on Glen Beck
while driving, and Beck is raving on about whether Obama had joined his
media-concocted "9-12 movement".  Beck then replays his favorite passage
form Obamas' war speech at West Point, where he calls on Americans to return
to the "spirit" that possessed this country immediately after the 9-11
event, hence Beck's "9-12".

Thank you Mr. Beck for pointing out the most reprehensible piece in the
entire speech:  the re-invocation of that wonderfully racist lynch-mob
spirit that so pervaded the land at that time.  "Death to the Arabs!"
bellowed a fist-pumping African American man (yes he was!) strutting around
downtown Oakland on the "day after", and his was not an isolated sentiment.
I must confess that at that moment I felt like walking up to the guy and,
pretending to sympathize, shout "Yeah! and after we get all them d**n
Aaayrabs, we can go and string up all the godd**n n*****s too!".  Since I am
still alive and well today, it is hopefully clear that prudence got the
better of me on that splendid 9-12 day.

Yes, Barak Obama, by all means let's return to the lovely "spirit" born on
that glorious day.  We all know what unfolded over the next few years under
its spell.  This, a call to return to the period before that which made his
own Presidency possible, I submit, was the most dangerous passage in the
whole of Obama's West Point speech.

I fervently hope Obama ends up a one-term President.   This time around it
would be better if the Clinton Dems fell on their faces fair and square
without an independent left "spoiler" to blame, so I was relieved to hear
that Nader was going to run against Dodd for his Connecticut Senate seat
(the same state whose Democrats kicked Joe Lieberman out, only to screw up
the general election but, point made).  For purely tactical reasons I'd
prefer no "3rd party" run from the left in 2012.  Obama might pull a rabbit
out of a hat between now and then, but the odds are running against, and I'd
want to bet on those odds and see the Clintonites and their right-wing
policies exposed as the real "spoiler" in the eyes of the pwogs (whom I
might then start calling 'progressives' again).

As far as the avenue of electoral politics goes, I'd be against "3rd party
politics" - I don't want any 3rd party, I want to build a mass movement with
an electoral arm - so long as this avenue is available to us - aimed at the
disruption and ultimate destruction of the existing 2-party regime.  That is
something that must be build from the ground up, targeting offices at all
levels, municipal, state and congressional.  My own preference is to take on
the Pwog-Dems in their own "safe" districts, where they get predictably
reelected year after year, like a permanent bureaucracy.  After, the
constituencies in those districts overlap with our own natural constituency:
the multi-ethnic working class.  So there is plenty to do in the next 8
years without having to worry about Presidents - until 2016.

The standard cautions against electoralist opportunism are raised here.
That is a risk to be dealt with, best by ensuring that the core of any mass
movement related to this, not be organizationally determined by the demands
of the electoral system. We have the whole rich experience of not only the
old SDP's and Euro-CP's etc., to draw on here, but also the Brazilian WP and
Chavez as well, as negative examples. For those fond of comparisons with the
political crack-up in the antebellum period of the Civil War - I don't blame
you for the comparisons - keep in mind it is not going to happen that way
again.  The relations of social power to the state institutions is radically
different today, as I am sure we all realize.  The crackup then could occur
mostly within the electoral system because base and superstructure were
still in close correspondence then - that fact was the source of the
longterm historic strength of the USA in the 19th century.  So then it made
sense that an opposition, then of the Lincoln Republicans, would pursue a
strategy aimed at seizing control of the Federal apparatus, particularly the
Executive. (Worked great for Andrew Jackson in 1828).

Our situation is very different.  I see elections working into a strategy in
the form of the creation of an enduring working class - colored "wedge" just
big enough to trigger an explosive political crisis.  Meanwhile it should be
a multi-faceted platform to systematically expose the workings of the
regime.  The immediate obstacle will be the continuing mass illusion that
you elect people into office "to get things done" - an illusion eagerly
propagated by the Pwog-Dems (I hope this label goes up there with mugwumps,
hunkerers, fire-eaters, doughfaces and other choice phrases) - after all,
that's why its so important not to spoil things for the Dems, so we are
told.  And of course when the betrayals inevitably come, we are told by the
same folks that "outside pressure" is required, only to find out that these
same folks have done nothing to prepare such "pressure".  We need to engage
concretely with the political situation as it actually IS, at the same time
on the basis of consistent working class principles.  I know that isn't

But I've never seen such a rich and wide field for intervention all along
the line, municipal, state and Federal - crises everywhere.  And it looks to
be sticking around for awhile.

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