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> Mr  Bhandari had  shown himself to be an apologist and defender of
> American imperialism's  war of  aggression and genocide  in
> Afghanistan.
>  Neither could anyone be fooled by his anti-Pakistan propaganda, which
>  was  more in the spirit of  Hindutva fascists'  anti-Muslim crusade
> in India.
> It is somewhat strange that was on  Marxism list.

I have been on the same mailing lists with Rakesh going back to the early
1990s when he was a graduate student much enamored of the "left" communist
current that included Paul Mattick.

He has the bad habit of adopting "sock puppet" persona on listserv's, most
recently as "Abu Hartal", the diehard Obama supporter. He was unsubbed
from Doug Henwood's list for using multiple identities, something Doug
strongly objects to. I unsubbed Hartal/Bhandari from Marxmail after he
became increasingly nasty.

That left Bhandari with his sole identity, namely as himself. Quite
honestly, I was not prepared for this latest bout of pro-imperialist
statements, something that was not part of his track record.

But somewhere along the line, he morphed into a liberal. I did not see it
coming, except through his Hartal identity. Frankly, there's something
about all this that defies a political analysis. It rather presents itself
as the behavior of an intellectually unstable personality.

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