Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

If I have understood Jim Farmelant  correctly, then he certainly has
in mind Jesus' birthday on  December 25  who,  in his view,   is  'one
of  the greatest men, whose teachings continue to benefit the entire
human race'.

Such a  postulation is based on two premises. But we  don't know when
that historic person, Jesus, was born. To ascribe the 25th December as
his  date of birth  belongs to the later history of the Church.

The assertion that his teachings continue to benefit  the entire human
race is without  any historical foundation. In fact, what  people
assume to be the teachings of Jesus is in fact the  version of Pauline
theology: Jesus has nothing to do what Paul preached. Paul's teachings
become known as Christianity.

Whatever Jesus stood for and  preached was followed  in the Jerusalem
Church. But with the defeat of the the Jewish revolt and the
destruction of  the  Temple in 70 A.D.  the Jerusalem Church came to
an end. That also meant the end of the  Jesus movement. But the  end
of Jerusalem Church was the victory of  Paul and his cult of  'divine
Jesus'. Jesus was replaced with Pauline theology and this subsequently
became known as Christianity. It has very little to do with the
apocalyptic Jewish  teacher,  Joshua (Jesus).

I leave the discussion of the  point whether the so-called teachings
of Jesus benefit the  entire human race. Anyone with any understanding
of world history will be surprised to hear that.

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Jim Farmelant <farmela...@juno.com> wrote:
> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> Today, as the world pauses on the birthday of one of history's greatest
> men, whose teachings continue to benefit the entire human race,
> let us join in toasting the memory of Sir Isaac Newton, and of all
> the giants on whose shoulders he stood.
> Jim Farmelant
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