Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Stuart Munckton <stuartmunck...@gmail.com> writes:

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> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> Mike Ely gives a short picture here.
> http://mikeely.wordpress.com/2009/12/19/nepals-autonomous-zones-how-might-this-serve-preparation-for-revolution/
> My understanding is what the Maoists did after their initial upsurge that
> followed their removal from government in a "soft coup", was to go back to
> the poor communities and hold a big discussion n their own ranks and then
> through out the poor communities about the way forward, and began a process
> of strengthening from the ground up. There are dual power-type institutions
> set up by the Maoists as parallel governments in nine district
> apparently,with plans to extend them further (hence Kathmandu disrtict)

I'm with Carl Davidson.  He mentions in the comments section that we
should do whatever we can to disrupt external interference from the
U.S., India or elsewhere.

In Solidarity,
Billy O'Connor

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