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David quotes from the Communist Manifesto, to criticize my position against
control of education by the bourgeois state:  

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of
children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with
industrial production, &c, &c.

David says this is "From the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO on what communist would
like see under communism:" but that is not exact. These are the initial
measures that Marx and Engels say will be "pretty generally applicable" in
advanced countries immediately following the seizure of power.

At any rate, whether under full-fledged communism, forever, or initially,
the point is *precisely* that the measure is not proposed for a bourgeois
government *at all.* That is the essence of the LaSallean positions that
Marx objects to in  the Gotha programme -- that the LaSalleans abstract from
the character of the state. 

David does the same thing: "I'm sure, if we look hard enough, we will see
similarities, someplace, between the San Mateo School District curriculum
and the 19th Century Prussian military oriented education." 

The irony is completely misplaced. The similarity rests in that, quite
simply, both the Prussian and the American education are designed to defend
and promote the interests of an enemy class. 

Like, duh ...


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