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i fully accept/understand 

a small point; i don't believe that anything that is done by the state of 
israel has anything to do with jews
or judaism. it is, in part, quite simply a repressive state which has aspects 
of its foreign policy 
which is damn despicable.

my shirt-sleeve argument is like this:

marx has as little to do with what happened under stalinism as jesus has 
anything to do with christianity today
judaism has little to do with jewish solidarity with emancipatory politics.
the same may be said of islam/muslims etc etc 

not that i speak on behalf of any religion or its followers.

in peace... and with respect, always 

Aluta Continua!

From: Nestor Gorojovsky <nmg...@gmail.com>
To: Ismail Lagardien <ilagard...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, 2 January, 2010 17:07:40
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The Pitfalls of Criticising Israel and Zionism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Long time ago, Gary MacLennan bestowed on yours truly the (hopefully at 
least in part deserved) title of "honorary Irishman".

This is my day to return gifts.

You are a honorary Jew, Gary.

Gary MacLennan escribió:
> Hi Ismail,
> of course there are many, many  Jews who are deeply scandalised and
> offended by what is being done in their name by the Israelis. Our moderator
> is one of them. For them to be a Jew is to be for human rights and social
> justice.  They are proud of the Jews who fought for workers rights
> throughout the world. They are proud of the Jews who fought in the
> International Brigade in Spain.  They are proud of the Jews who fought for
> the rights of Afro-Americans.That is the tradition of Judaism which they
> wish to keep alive and which the butchers of Tel Aviv wish to see buried.
> ... Rabbi Akiba when asked to teach the whole Torah, summed it all up by
> saying "What is hateful to yourself do not to your fellow-man". There is
> nothing at all anti-Semitic by insisting that this is the truth of what it
> is to be a Jew and that Zionism is a hateful cancerous growth.

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