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Gorojovsky: “But they have never been "gorilla leftists". Which is a point of 
in a country where this kind of leftist is so frequent and gives
Marxism such a bad name among the working class. So that here goes a
comment on the foreign debt issue with which I agree in part, in part
not exactly so, but which at least does not hide the main problem
under bombastic liberal chatter.” 
Gorilla Leftist = Peronist political weapon par excellence, but you rarely see 
it used by a Gorilovsky.
Gorojovsky has a lot of honor. For example, as the true, the truest, Marxist, 
he showed us that the correct response to one of the bravest worker battles in 
the last decade in Kraft is to defend the national interests by standing with 
the police and the gendarmes sent by the government which protects the 
interests of the biggest American food corporation. Or, for instance, by 
thinking that communists who not only fought but died and were tortured by the 
police and the military deserved it. Beware this "bombastic liberal chatter".
“BTW: the answer by Kosloff to my last posting has given me an
opportunity to write a rather long series of postings on the Arg
"Left" which I hope I will be beginning to send to the list next week.
If such a type as a Petroni could help me to depict the social history
of Mar del Plata, why can´t Kosloff help me in showing some funny (or
rather "funny weren´t they tragic") sides of Arg "Leftism".”
Can’t wait!, it’s never too late for another of Gorojovsky’s petty 
personalistic (with personas he invents and associates in illusory plots in his 
brain,…or whatever) rants, to show us once more that when it comes to real 
issues he’s only got “”Leftism””, “pelotudo”, “liberal”, “Kautskyist”, 
“Stalinist”, “cipayo”,….
“What makes the PL a serious party is, for example, what follows: 
Short translation: "We don´t accept the fake "third positionism"
(tercerismo) that equates the democratic government with the
destituting opposition. Cristina is not the same as Cobos, Macri,
Carrió, de Narváez and Duhalde. Mercedes Marcó del Pont is not the
same as Redrado. Página/12 and Channel 7 are not the same as the
Clarín monopoly. Trials to the genocides are not the same as the
request of amnesty by Guelar (PRO). It is not the same thing to
participate in UNASUR and the simpathies of the opposition towards the
Fascists Uribe and Piñera"]”
Comrades, I thought you all knew, but yes, I’ve been dreaming about Uribe and 
Piñera to come together and murder the masses only too anxiously, yes, yes, I’m 
a murderer because who doesn’t stand with the “nice” bourgeoisie, must be an 
agent of the “bad” bourgeoisie.
But hey, isn’t it “unfortunate”, as the SERIOUS PL and Gorojovsky say, that 
this government is going to recycle one neoliberal for another to get into 
debt?, I “hope” that doesn’t mean they may “betray” the masses.
It’s not that it’s fun replying to your shit Gorojovsky, no one better than you 
to let it out. But I’m just waking up, and I need to despabilarme (I don’t know 
how to translate despabilar, maybe 'snapping out of one’s slumber'?).
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