Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Paula - Congratulations, you have made it to my "Fuckwits" (kudos to Louis for
the folder name) email filter - and with hardly any effort on your part!

(PS. I like the way you think because I have similar thoughts - for example I
occasionally piss in the Kokosing (a small river / large stream in central Ohio)
find myself later reading about floods in Mississippi delta. Should I worry?
Absolutely not, because that doesn't begin to explain the jobless rate here at 

Keep the faith!

- Bill

Paula wrote:
> ====================================================================== Rule
> #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
> ======================================================================
> Louis wrote: "The president of Bolivia has called attention to the
> possibility that the melting of Andean glaciers will rob his people of
> drinking water. It does not get more disastrous than that."
> Really? So the *possibility* of glaciers melting away in the future is more
> disastrous than the *certainty* of widespread poverty and exploitation in
> Bolivia today? A very convenient argument for the president of Bolivia, I'm
> sure. But if he's really worried he should ask glacier-free Australians how
> they get their drinking water. After all, the Bolivian glaciers could melt
> away for entirely natural causes, just as glaciers have been doing for
> thousands of years. Then what would 'his' people drink?
> Mark wrote: "But if they say something about it, it's rejected as merely
> anecdotal".
> Anecdotal evidence can back up just about any case. It should not be
> rejected, only accepted for what it is - no more than anecdotal evidence.
> Paula ________________________________________________ Send list submissions
> to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:
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