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I have been searching the web today for confirmation that Perry Anderson has 
resigned from the editorial board of NLR - no mention on their web-site, and 
his name just leads to a long list to his contributions - all of which, no 
doubt, considering my long=time subs to NOR I have read in the past.

If true I would beg him to reconsider, because his article of China in the 
current edition, I regard as the best in the issue, while the article said to 
be the reason for his resignation is not worth the paper it is written on.

As a veteran Marxist I regard the theory of anthropometric (and catastrophic !! 
climate change) as a new "war on terrorism" - but in this case  a war aimed at 
the working classes of the imperialist world, suggesting "we are all to blame" 
for the impending end of the planet.

I have tried to argue over a number of years against this theory of 
anthropometric climate change, and the so-called "threat" of carbon-dioxide 
emissions over quite a number of years on this site, only to be met with 
ad-hominem opprobrium - and no real discussion of the science involved,

The apparent split in the NLR editorial board should bring this to forefront of 
serious Marxist discussion - as it is crucial to a proper understanding of 
class struggle,  where environmental issues are an important, but subsidiary, 

No one, surely disputes that climate change is real - so why the opprobrium 
with the talk of "deniers" (or "heretics", with its suggestion of medieval 
religious persecutions).

Historical and archeological sources are sufficient to indicate that the earth 
has gone through many climate periods, even during the relatively short time 
that humans have developed.  The discovery of the remains of a mammoth in the 
cliffs at West Runton, Norfolk, UK, are sufficient to show that some past eras 
were far warmer than today; and well-authenticated stories and pictures of hog 
roasts and markets  on the frozen Thames in Tudor and Georgian Times are enough 
to show climate has often been much colder than today.  

Climate science is a new phenomenon, a closed connection, who seem to take 
little notice of basic physics, chemistry or biology, and whose basic project 
seems to be to "prove" their thesis that current climate changes are due to 
human (and specifically industrial - on which our whole current lifestyle is 
based) intervention.

Their basic hypothesis is based on what they claim is a correlation (over the 
short period of not more than 100 years of the millennia humans have existed on 
this planet - and the very much longer time that climate had varied) with 
carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.

Disregarding the basic criterion of statistics that "correlation does not 
indicate a cause" -  and disregarding the obvious fact that human intervention 
in CO2 release before the late 20th century was minimal - we are led to believe 
that current (1940-2000) warming is due to industrial (coal and oil-burning 

I have to point out that the greatest sink of CO2 are the oceans (apart from 
the land deposits in previous sea-beds as limestone !!) - and that solubility 
of CO2 in water DECREASES with rising temperature - so that rising CO2 cam 
equally be explained by rising temperatures as rising temperatures can be 
explained by rising CO2.  (Then we have "ecologists" suggesting that rising CO2 
is threatening "acidification" of the oceans, disregarding the fact that H2CO3 
is about the weakest acid known to chemists).   

I can only wonder, how such idiocies have not only been taken up by much of the 
left, parroting the latest idiocies of their imperialist masters, as it has 
apparently been sucked up by so many scientists, who have not been able to 
transcend their natural reluctance to criticise scientists in fields outside 
their own specialism (apart from the fact that currrently the easiest way to 
secure cash for a research grant is to link the project with such words as " 
and its effect on global warming").

Consider CO2:  it is a very minor consitituent of the atmosphere - around 350 
ppm (0.035%) - its IR spectrum (absorbance) is limited almost entirely to 2 
specific wavelengths, as distinct from water vapour whose absorbance covers a 
large  proportion of the IR spectrum and a much higher proportion of the 
atmosphere - both together  making CO2  surely a smaller contributor to the 
"greenhouse effect".

Secondly, without CO2 there would be no life at all.  All animal (and human if 
you don't like us being talked of as animals) life depends on the ability of 
green plants to combine CO2, water, and the energy received from the sun into 
carbohydrates (sugars and starch), and all plus nitrogen into proteins, which 
we use as food to supply our needs for energy and growth.   The more CO2 (at 
least up to 1000 ppm, of not more) the faster plants grow - and if CO2 falls 
much below 100 ppm they give up !!! 

And yet the US EPA proposes to regard CO2 as a pollutant!!   

All this is completely apart from discussion of the data used to produce these 
catastrophic forecasts we are all subjected to - which as accurate 
measurements, cover an infinitesimal amount of the time of existence of this 

Has the world gone really mad, I wonder....

It us surely time this list had some serious discussion - avoiding the dogmatic 
and opprobrious responses that previous contributions of mine have received.

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