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Well, Louis answered seriously to my last comment. OK.

 Louis writes that "...I advocate unrelenting, militant criticisms of all
capitalist energy
production based on oil, coal or atomic energy. Period".

Fair enough. But as everyone...i mean "everyone" is jumping into "Green
economics" and it is what is touted by almost all climate change activists
how about "capitalist energy production based on sun, wind and tidal...".
The laregest wind and solar producers in the US for the electrical grid are
all capitalist ones (or, possibly, public power entities like Caliornia
based SMUD". Are you "militantly opposed" to this too?

The same companies that make coal equipment and lobby for it's use are also
the *exact* same companies that lobby for solar and wind and it's use. It's
all the same capitalist solutions. So...when, say, FPL makes a bid to
produced a 500MW farm...you are "militantly opposed" or do you see this as

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