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David S. No, neither does nuclear nor has it ever caused anyone to be
"buried in a lead box". This is the huge popular disconnect with a sound
debate over, say, climate change and. one dealing with nuclear energy. you
prove the point by negative example. Nuclear energy has killed less people
than any baseload power. 5 operators are killed, blown up at a gas turbine
plan Ct. last montt, but because the Green movement is currently in love in
with natural gas, you don't hear anything about this. If an operator stubs
his toe in a nuclear plant, you'd hear about it all over the world. You as
just as susceptible to such nonsense it seems as the Greens.

The *fact* that coal power and other fossil power has killed far more than
commercial nuclear doesnt seem to phase you or Louis at all. 5 people killed
in Connecticut are 5 more than ever killed in any US nuclear plant in 50
years of operation and you bring up a 'maybe...'???. How many areas have
been made "unlivable" or nuclear waste spread over it? ZERO. This is the
disconnect I mentioned above. 20% of the US electrical generation is
essentially carbon free *thanks to nuclear energy*. We are facing a huge
carbon caused climate crisis and you don't seem to understand risk
assessment...at all.

This brings up to Louis comments since his comments sort of center any
discussion on energy. And that's what the discussion is really about: how to
produce energy and whether it is around the ability of 'wind turbines' vs
coal vs gas vs solar vs nuclear, and so on. If people on this list were to
do the research required to see what it would take to zero out fossil energy
production, you'd find 'wind mills and solar energy' would not be able to do
this. in fact. the more wind energy there is the tendency is to build more
fossil plants for back up. The rather disgusting joined at the hip natural
gas industry with the wind industry should be raising eyebrows among the
left and on this list specifically but it does not. We are never going to
ween ourselves off of fossil without nuclear energy. That's the conclusion
*more and more* on the left have arrived at: that so called 'alternatives'
are nothing more than a fanstasy that best sounds good and at worse will
keep us on fossil fuel addiction for ever.

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