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On 4/26/2010 2:33 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

> When you call Peter a renegade, you are looking for trouble. I worked
> very closely with him in the early 80s and I consider him my major
> political influence. If you think that a Marxism list can be moderated
> by such a renegade sympathizer, we clearly have problems.

We certainly do, we certainly do.

>> With all due respect, comrade, you complain about a waste of bandwidth
>> from my interventions here but you seem to turn a blind eye to the
>> unnecessary invective hurled in my direction.
> I think you better figure out a way to not be a lightning rod.
> Generally, I'd rather remove the irritant from the list than referee
> ongoing squabbles.

No need to remove the "irritant", Louis, it knows the way out.

Besides, my mailbox was getting full of the sort of un-Marxist crap I 
have strove for years to avoid.

Best wishes.

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