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On 09.05.10 23:29, S. Artesian wrote:
> How does supporting something that doesn't even measure up to the politics,
> the level of struggle of the popular front amount to favorable circumstance
> for building resistance to cuts?
I'm sorry - I don't see how discussing what possibilities exist for 
organising resistance amounts to endorsement of any of the possible 
government combinations. Whether a Lib-Lab would be the best option for 
organising resistancve is something that I can't judge as I haven't been 
in Britain for over a decade and can't really judge what the state of 
the class is. But I still think that it is legitimate for lefitsts 
discuss which bourgeois government would offer the best constellation 
for organising resistance without being accused of being supporters of 
one of these constellations.

Einde O'Callaghan

Einde O'Callaghan

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