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Conason is a right-wing Democrat, a former gossip-columnist and a Clinton 

The liberal establishment is seriously worried about the politics beyond the
limits of allowable debate that are emerging with the Pauls, the tea party
movement, etc., and are doing all that they can to destroy them - to corral all
political debate back into the predictable Republican-Democrat round. If that's
not done, who knows what people might start to think? (Remember that most
Americans - who didn't go to good colleges - are stupid red-necks, and easily 

Of course establishment scribes like Conason would have trouble actually
defending the policies of the administration (aggressive war, torture at Bagram,
summary execution of American citizens, denial of habeas corpus contrary to the
Constitution, etc.). So far better to suggest that all Obama critics are simply
motivated by racism, the one unforgivable sin on the liberal style-sheet.

Obamaism uses "Racist!" as McCarthyism used "Communist!" - and for a similar

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