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> Obamaism uses "Racist!" as McCarthyism used "Communist!" - and for a similar
> purpose.

I would be careful with this kind of allegation; President Obama is actually 
being targeted for his race; witness the effigy burnings, assassination talk 
and assassination attempts (documented by Souther Poverty Law Center as one 
example); the emergence of racist right-wingers in the military, among other 
things. There is plenty to oppose in the Democratic Party President, and, for 
good or ill, the manner in which one raises this opposition must be taken so 
that it is clearly delineated from the racist hate-mongering going on. It's not 
easy, BUT IT IS NECESSARY. Indeed, one can argue that regardless of the 
ethnicity, a bourgeois liberal president is the chief in charge of implementing 
racist, imperialist, misogynistic, and anti-working class policies; witness who 
benefits and who loses by the sellout of healthcare reform, climate protection, 
continued imperialist war, terrorism by Israel toward Palestinians, etc. ad 
Indeed, the President seems to be the first to run away from addressing racism 
when confronted with specific attacks or affronts against him (witness the 
pathetic reconciliation with the racist cop who profiled the African-American 
professor in Cambridge, MA; first calling the incident for what it was and then 
backing off and having a beer with him at the White House just to acquiesce to 
the press). 
Revolutionists must be the most able to articulate opposition to the capitalist 
class and its mouthpieces in such a way that our opposition, and, more 
important, our clear solutions can be understood and supported by the most 
oppressed. Capitalism is the enemy and racism is one of its primary weapons in 
this advanced capitalist society. If we do not see this point and cannot 
differentiate ourselves from the rightist reaction who oppose the President for 
their fundamentally different purposes, we are not worthy to be called Marxists 
and can never be useful revolutionists.                                         
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