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This sounds like an important book. I'd want to know more about
Gluschov, though (and hopefully will after I get the book), and what
alternative he posed.
Because Kantorovich's proposals on pricing reform were, as Mandel
points out in Marxist Economic Theory, abstract suggestions to make
then-popular market reforms more efficient. But those market reforms
themselves didn't address the major problem: the frustration of
planning by the restriction of far more basic and simple calculations,
because the bureaucracy at each level was hiding information from
itself (the central planners for instance, gave unrealistic orders to
factory heads based on arbitrary decisions and the factory heads lied
about their having fulfilled their part of the plan. And the workers
were just told to shut up about the whole thing). Even with today's
computing power, the Liberman reforms, which the Kantorovich proposals
were meant to aid, would merely have provided feedback from more
accurate pricing to a system headed back toward capitalism if the
reforms were allowed to follow their own logic. And of course more
accurate pricing even with the best computers was irrelevant to the
anti-Liberman forces.
What was missing was workers' control. And as Mandel points out there
and elsewhere, the number of decisions needed to be made at each level
of the economy once workers really control it are actually far fewer.
Nonetheless, the TRILLIONS of trades made on the day of the stock
exchanges' "flash crash" last month show once again that computing
power is no longer an issue.
PS to Jim: the end of your comment got cut off when you sent it.

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