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the French Left was opposed to French dominion over Algeria, Tunisia,
Morocco and Lebanon. You cite Foucault, as though you didn't know that
Foucault actually applauded the FPLP and was radically pro-Fedayyin.

As for the French Right, it was not particularly pro-Israeli. General De
Gaulle himself disliked Israel ("a nation of arrogant
people,self-satisfied and domineering" he famously quipped) and France
has always pursued a pro-Arab foreign policy, including helping Egypt,
Syria and Iraq acquire French weaponry.

Which is the reason why the Israeli government has always disliked the
French and has repeatedly accused them of being "anti-semitic". The
pro-Arab stance of the French went so far as to providing Iraq with its
first nuclear reactor (OSIRAK) which was destroyed by an Israeli

Believe me, no other Western nation was more anti-Israeli in its foreign
policy than the French in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

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