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Ah, the role of the French CP (PCF) was always one of a faithful Moscow
agent. At first, Moscow did not care for independent states emerging in
the Arab world and therefore the French CP was told to support the
French government's "pacification" policies (sending 80 000 French
troops to Algeria) while at the same time supporting Ho Chi Minh in
Vietnam. But "dialectics" showed that the two struggles were different
in nature, so you know... poor Vietnamese peasants were right to rebel
but not poor Algerian peasants.

Once Moscow got a proper handle on the Algerian movement, everything
changed. All the French "Left" intellectuals started supporting the
cause of Algerian freedom (Sartre, Beauvoir, etc.)

There was never whole-hearted support for Israel among French
intellectuals, the way you seem to describe it. There was a certain
degree of interest in Kibbutzim, which coincided with the interest in
Gandhi and "self-management'. There was a fascination with the process
of nation-building, there were ties with the Israeli CP. But honestly,
nothing on the scale of US ideological support for Israel from
Fundamentalist Christians.

Now, you are right about the Suez Canal expedition which saw close
cooperation between French, British and Israeli troops. But that was
extremely short-lived. As you point out, after the "six-day war", French
interests became decidedly pro-Arab and remained so up to the First Gulf
War, into which France was reluctantly dragged into (despite Saddam
Hussein being a protegé).

As for Foucault, I do not have the references at hand, but I can assure
you that he was strongly pro-Palestinian in his later years (late 70s).
Even justifying Fedayyin raids into Israeli territory. He supported them
just as he supported the Black Panther movement in the US.If I remember
correctly he even wrote a short story about Israeli Commandos in
His life-long lover was a Maoist who introduced him to many
"anti-imperialist fighters" in the 70s. I honestly do not know what
Foucault's political opinions were in the 60S, but I guess they were
more CP-aligned than in the late 70s.

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