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"They have absolutely nothing to
gain and far more to lose by letting this oil...all of which can't be
turned into profit but in fact costs them money. A lot of money, if they
let it continue."
Read this a few days ago, headline is: BP Looks to Profit from Oil
Salvaged from Gushing Well
BP, Feds Could Make Millions from Runaway Well's Oil


Its not a conspiracy theory to say that they can fix it but don't want
to spend the money and don't want to loose the well.  Conspiracy
implies active hiding of the fact.  In this case it is quite open and
common knowledge that they could blow it closed with explosives (no
they don't need to drill holes deeper than the 'releif wells').  The
only silly thing is the idea that we can send people to the moon,
build WMD that can destroy the earth a few hundred times over, remove
oil from miles below the surface, but can't figure out how to cap a
leaking well.  They simply don't want to expend the 'resources'
necessary to do it.  The same goes for all of our environmental
problems, they are putting the cost of production onto nature and the
rest of us and trying to stop the leak on the cheap.

I also don't find it too radicalizing to allow them just to say
'whoops nothing we can do now' but we will let BP keep trying because,
gosh, its really hard to figure out how to stop it and they are doing
all they can (which has been and will be what they try to sell us on
all environemental problems including climate change).  No, if you
wanted to radicalize people you would force them to fix it NOW and
when they try to be tight with the means to stop it, you call them on
their profit headed ways.


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