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On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 22:16:50 -0500 Carrol Cox <_cb...@ilstu.edu_ 
(mailto:cb...@ilstu.edu) > wrote: 
I don't think the u.s. elites (or the u.s. military) is at all ready to  
reject that framework. 
And why should they, as long as it can be bent to accommodate whatever they 
 want to do? 
Well, the world cannot be bent to accommodate whatever they want to do.  
Bourgeois property has hit this tiny rock called "revolution in the means of  
production." The world today is different from calling Nixon a fascist. I do 
not  know what else to call a man - Nixon, who says on public television 
that the  norms of bourgeois legality do not have to be adhered to by the 
President  because he is the President, other than a freaking fascist. 
I apparently have a very different view of citizens nights. The President  
is still a citizen. Nixon should have been put in jail. I hated it when Ford 
 pardoned him. Nixon dropped bombs on people and threatened to drive 
Vietnam back  to the stone age because of their desire to implement the mandate 
our  revolution of 1776: National Liberation. 
The multinational state of the United States and America is huge covering a 
 territory about the size of China. In real time and as real life 
experience  several political jurisdictions called "states" in the American 
can go  fascists with the bulk of the American state oscillating between a 
reactionary  bourgeois democracy and countrywide state fascism. This in fact 
has happened.  Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and Louisiana for 
example, remained fascist  states for a very long time in our post Civil 
Reconstruction Era  history. This did not mean New York state was fascist. 
On the other hand it did mean that large area of the North and Midwest were 
 governed on the basis of a reactionary bourgeois democracy but not 
necessarily  an entire state and all areas of the state. 
In reverse the entire multinational state system could shift markedly to an 
 open fascist form of rule with several political jurisdictions resisting 
"the  federal authority," manifest as a fascist political state. 
Today, everything is in place for a fascist seizure of power. Based on the  
work of the Clinton years, the Bush administration battled to accumulate 
the  legal power to take over the government, and to declare unitary rule by 
the  executive. We saw just the tip of the iceberg - the U.S. Attorney 
firings, the  various "signing statements," Bush thumbing his nose at the 
by pushing  the limits of executive privilege, the stacking of the Supreme 
Court with those  who support the "unitary executive," and statements that 
allows martial law to  be declared and the government to be taken over in 
case of a some sort of  crisis. The only question is which of the bourgeois 
forces will wield this  weapon, and when, and the character, extent and 
strength of their support and,  on the other hand, the organization and 
consciousness of the resistance to their  actions. 
"They" cannot accommodate whatever they want. 
Revolution in the means of production makes such accommodation  impossible.

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