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Well, Jeff, do you really think there's any chance of bringing about some 
dialogue between Islamic groups - in particular between those rather extreme 
Islamic groups that can attract the more disaffected of young Muslims in the 
West (including quite a number of women) - and other sectors of the left if 
you go barging in with that opinion? I'd be very surprised indeed.

And no, in case you're about to say it, I'm not saying that this is true of 
all Islamic groups, nor that Islam is inherently a more sexist religion than 
Christianity, Judaism, or whatever. But to deny the existence of sexism, 
sometimes quite hard-line, amongst some Muslims would be disingenuous in the 
extreme. It's not something to be accepted, but attacking it like a bull in 
a china shop and foreclosing the possibility of some sort of constructive 
dialogue, plays perfectly into the hands of conservative and liberal 
Islamophobes and imperialists.

By the way, I think the title of this thread is pretty disingenuous as well.


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