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(And just reported on the 11 o'clock news. 30,000 people showed up at a parking 
lot in East Point to get on a list to receive section 8 vouchers, resulting in 
what was described as a riot. )

By Gloria Tatum, Staff Writer, The Atlanta Progressive News  (August 11, 2010)
(APN) LITHONIA -- When activists in the peace movement learned the  family of 
Spc. Jamaal Addison--the first Georgian killed in the US  Occupation of 
Iraq--was facing foreclosure, they allied with the local  anti-foreclosure 
movement to prevent the family from becoming homeless.
As previously reported by Atlanta Progressive News, Addison's mother,  Patricia 
Roberts, had been active in local anti-war rallies after  Addison's death.  
included speaking out against the occupation at  an April 01, 2006, peace rally 
at Piedmont Park in Midtown Atlanta;  speaking at a 2006 Drive Out the Bush 
Regime rally at Woodruff Park in  Downtown Atlanta; and speaking at the 2006 
Women's Action for New  Directions Atlanta's Mothers Day for Peace event.
Roberts was also recently diagnosed with lung cancer, and lives with  her 
mother Constance Walcott and Addison's 9 year old son, Jamaal  Addison II in 
Suntrust had foreclosed on their condo, which was owned by Constance  Walcott, 
on June 01.
Ironically, Roberts's family was given seven days to vacate their  Lithonia 
condo by the date of August 02, which is the day DeKalb County  set aside as 
Jamall Addison Day to honor her son.
In 2008, US Congress approved a bill by US Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA)  to name a 
post office at 3035 Stone Mountain Street in Lithonia,  Georgia, the Jamaal 
Addison Post Office.
Roberts became an anti-war protester after her 22 year old son was  killed in 
Iraq on March 23, 2003.  It was the many friends and  connections Roberts made 
in the peace community who stepped forward to  help in her time of need.
Currently the most active organizations helping Roberts save her home  are the 
Atlanta Fighting Foreclosure Coalition; National Association of  Black Veterans 
(NABVETS); Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace; and  Democratic Socialists of 
America, Atlanta Chapter.
Doris Benit, a member of Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace, has  initiated a 
Addison Fund to help with finding another home for  Roberts and little Jamaal.
"I plan to contact the Army Times, the Airforce Times, and the Navy  Times 
goes to all the bases all over the world.  The military  forces are good at 
helping their own," Benit told APN.
"Karen Brown, the attorney for Walcott, has ask SunTrust for more  time and 
have agreed to suspend the entire legal proceeding  temporarily," Bill Brennan 
with Atlanta Legal Aid's Home Defense Program  told APN.
"They are trying to work things out to either keep the family living  in the 
condo with a loan modification or find another place for the  family to live," 
Brennan said.
Walcott had a 513 dollar per month mortgage payment to Suntrust on  the condo, 
plus a 150 dollar per month homeowners association fee.
Unlike many other foreclosure cases recently taken on by the Fighting  
Foreclosures Coalition, there is no indication that Sun Trust's  mortgage loan 
to the family was predatory.
When Roberts become sick, they fell behind not on the mortgage  payments, but 
the homeowners association payments, Roberts told APN.
"Our problems started last August 2009 when the condo Homeowners  Association 
froze all the family's assets," Roberts said.
Roberts's mother, Constance Walcott, who is the owner of the condo,  had her 
name on checking accounts belonging to Roberts and also  Roberts's nephew, 
Smith.  The Association seized almost 8,000  dollars from Roberts and Smith's 
accounts, even though Walcott only owed  around 2,000 dollars, Roberts said. 

"We were told the remainder [about 6,000 dollars] of the money  went to late 
fees and attorney fees.  That they should keep so much more  than was owed does 
not make sense to me," Roberts said.
According to the Dekalb County Online Judicial System, there is an  open 
continuing garnishment case filed in 2008, Fairington Park  Condominium 
Association v. Constance Walcott.
The original garnishment amount was 6,889.70, according to court  records, and 
one of the garnishees included the Jamaal Addison  Motivational Foundation, Inc.
After the Association appropriated all the family's money, they could  not pay 
the mortgage or other bills, Roberts said.  19 year old Smith  was unable to 
continue his enrollment at Valdosta State College where he  would have been a 
sophomore this year.
Activists believe all the publicity around the Roberts's foreclosure  has 
encouraged SunTrust's cooperation.  The final decision on where the  Roberts 
family will live depends on how much money is raised in the  Jamall Addison 
Donations for the family are being accepted at any branch of Delta  Community 
Credit Union via the Jamaal Addison Fund.  There are 21  Atlanta locations.  
additional information call 404-715-4725 or  1-800-544-3328.
The Fund has so far received 6,128 dollars and 54 cents, with  promises of an 
additional 16,000 dollars not yet deposited as of this  writing.
Ft. McPherson has agreed to move the family free of charge when they  find a 
"In Atlanta, it is estimated that 40 percent of homeless men are  veterans.  
Many are homeless because of an estrangeness in family,  community, and 
government.  Joblessness is also a factor in veteran  homelessness.  Veterans 
and their families should never have to  experience foreclosures," Balewa 
Alimayu with NABVETS told APN.
Althought the US government made a payment to Addison's family after  his 
it went to his wife, even though the wife was not taking care  of his son, 
Roberts said.
The Atlanta Fighting Foreclosure Coalition has been holding protests  at banks 
around Metro Atlanta and on the courthouse steps for the last  couple of years, 
as previously reported by APN.
Five activists were arrested August 31, 2009, at the office of a  Wells Fargo 
bank in East Point for demonstrating against foreclosures.
The Foreclosure Five, as they have become known, had previously sent a  letter 
to Wachovia [later purchased by Wells Fargo] asking them to meet  concerning 
foreclosures, predatory lending practices and loan  restructuring.  Bank 
officials refused to accept the letter and to speak  with the protest leaders.
The Five--State Sen. Vincent Fort; former Fire and Police  Commissioner A. 
Reginald Eaves; Charlie Flemming, President of the  AFL-CIO North GA Labor 
Council; Milton Tambor, President of the  Democratic Socialists of America, 
Atlanta Chapter; and Dianne Mathiowetz  of the International Action Center, 
Atlanta--were arrested for refusing  to leave the bank after Wells Fargo 
officials refused to meet with  them.
Their attorney, Brian Spears, said that "following our October 14  appearance 
before the Court in East Point, the authority over the  criminal charges was 
transferred to the Fulton County solicitor's  office, who is responsible for 
prosecution of misdemeanor cases.   Neither I nor my clients have received any 
notification of action taken  on the criminal charges since that time."
The Coalition originally had about 10 cases of Atlanta-area families  facing 
foreclosure who they believe were victims of predatory lending  involving Wells 
Fargo or Wachovia.
"All have been settled but two or three.  They were trying to work  out loan 
modifications," Tambor told APN.  "We did make progress as a  result of that, 
doubt about it."
"Legal aid was not getting anywhere with reasonable loan  modifications until 
pressure was brought to bear," Tambor said.
Wells Fargo had designated a single representative to handle all of  the 
Foreclosure Coalition/Legal Aid cases.  "It's changed, having that  person as a 
representative has made a difference."
The AFL-CIO held a community hearing on foreclosures on July 22,  2010, in 
Atlanta, and activists marched to a Wachovia branch in Midtown  Atlanta on 17th 
Street, Tambor said.
This time, instead of being arrested, activists met with bank  representatives. 
Activists were seeking a process to help all families  facing foreclosures, 
Tambor said, not just the 10 cases they had already  identified.
"We asked for more information about how they are dealing with loan  
modifications and they said would provide the information," Tambor said.
Tambor also said, despite over a year of implementation, the federal  
legislation enacted to help keep people in the homes under the Obama  
Administration has not been very successful, with only a small number of  loans 
being modified through the program.
The Mortgage Bankers Association says delinquencies and home  repossessions 
hit a new high.  Blaming job losses for most of the  pain, it sees a continued 
surge in foreclosures through all the next  year, the Los Angeles Times 
newspaper reported.
The national unemployment rate has been hovering between 9.5 and 10  percent 
the past year.  Georgia's unemployment rate has hit an all  time record high of 
10.3 percent.
About the author:
Gloria Tatum is a Staff Writer for The Atlanta Progressive News and  is 
reachable at glo...@atlantaprogressivenews.com.

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