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On 9/1/10 7:18 PM, Eli Stephens wrote:
> We are concerned, however, that the publicity given to Estulin and
> his ideas could have a disorienting effect on some in the world
> socialist and progressive movements. We view Estulin’s writings as
> anti-Marxist and rooted in right-wing conspiracy “theories” that lack
> factual support.
> Continues at length:
> http://www.pslweb.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=14431

Since I regarded Fidel as an ordinary human being, I tended to shrug my 
shoulders about the Estulin business. After all, he is a 9/11 truther, 
isn't he?

People like Marc Cooper have been falling all over themselves over this, 
as if Fidel Castro--who turned 84 this month and who is recovering from 
a near-lethal illness--was not allowed to come up with some dumb ideas.

500 years from now people will be talking about Castro in the same way 
we talk about Shakespeare or Spinoza today. But 50 years from now his 
spittle-flecked detractors will be a footnote to a footnote.

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