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I don't know about Young's book but will certainly look at it.
Cortright's book is the first one to give me a detailed feel for the
importance of the US soldiers' mutiny, including fragging.
Halstead mentions the mutiny in the context of the overall importance
of vet antiwar feeling (and their participation in the movement).
Halstead's book is also essential for understanding how building
united fronts happens in all its goriness -- and occasional triumph --
and why they're necessary, in a telling that reads like a novel.
Finally, as to David T.'s main point: the October 2nd demo, while
called primarily for electioneering purposes, is also designed as a
release valve for the largely unorganized resentment of millions of
workers who know that NOTHING is being done by union officials on
their behalf.
There will be hundreds of thousands of workers in DC that day who will
be engaging in crucial conversations with thousands of anti-Democratic
Party activists.
Be there! (And march with UNAC/Black is Back et al.)

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