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On 10/4/2010 2:35 PM, Greg McDonald wrote:
> ======================================================================
> Anyone who thinks the CONAIE is being manipulated by Washington has
> certainly never spent any time at all in Ecuador.

My mind is not made up on any of this. I forward information to 
the list that comrades might find useful. The only thing that my 
mind is made up about is that Bordigism is a crock of shit.

I also posted this on Oct. 2 2009:

> https://nacla.org/node/6094
> Correa vs. Social Movements: Showdown in Ecuador
> by Paul Dosh and Nicole Kligerman
> Report
> On September 28, 2008, 64% of voters in Ecuador approved a progressive
> new constitution, launching a new political era in the country.1 For
> more than a year leading up to the vote, Ecuador had been gripped with
> “constitution fever,” as thousands of people lobbied the Constituent
> Assembly’s 130 delegates, who were organized into 10 thematic
> roundtables. The resulting document consisted of 444 articles centered
> on reforming Ecuador’s institutions, including several groundbreaking
> environmental measures touted as among the most progressive in Latin
> America.
> Yet, although the passing of the new constitution represented a moment
> of unity between Ecuador’s popular movements and the electoral left,
> these two entities have clashed recently over the question of
> environmental protection—showing that they are hardly synonymous and
> sometimes not even allies. After the Constitution was ratified,
> Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa, who was instrumental in establishing
> the Constitutional Assembly, began a public campaign to pass legislation
> that would expand the operations of gold-, silver-, and copper-mining
> corporations in the Amazon and the southern highlands around Cuenca, as
> well as initiate new mining sites in the northern highlands. Moving away
> from the firm anti-neoliberal rhetoric he used on the 2006 campaign
> trail, Correa described his vision of a socially responsible mining
> sector whose profits would be harnessed to break the country’s
> dependence on extractive industry.
> “[Passing the proposed Mining Law] is urgent, because this industry
> represents the country’s future,” Correa said in an October 2008 press
> conference. “But obviously, I’m talking about mining companies that pay
> taxes, respect the workers, and develop social and environmental
> responsibility projects.”
> He added: “Unfortunately, some people are ‘childish’—in quotations—like
> the ones opposed to mining. But what country in the world has rejected
> mining? The dilemma is not ‘no’ or ‘yes’ to mining. It is well-developed
> mining. There is simply no dilemma. . . . [The childish
> environmentalists] believe that bringing an end to an extractive economy
> is to shut down the oil wells and close the mines. That is absurd.
> Getting out of that economy means using this sector surplus to revive
> other sectors of the economy: services, agriculture, industries, etc.”2
> While other Latin American countries, like Argentina, Peru, and
> Guatemala, have long been at the epicenter of the international mining
> industry, Ecuador was until recently more known for its (often
> disastrous) oil industry. Large-scale Ecuadoran mining did not begin
> until the early 1990s, after a mining law was passed in 1985 that
> encouraged foreign corporations to explore for minerals. Since then,
> Ecuador has increasingly attracted the attention of foreign mining
> corporations, sometimes provoking headline-making conflicts with
> affected communities.3
> In January, the Ecuadoran congress approved Correa’s plan, passing the
> Mining Law to allow Canadian mining corporations, including Kinross
> Gold, Iamgold, and Corriente Resources, to begin operations.4 Specific
> articles in the Mining Law have come under intense scrutiny by the
> anti-mining opposition; for example, Article 2 (“Applications”) mandates
> the participation of both private and public figures in policy
> discussions but does not include community members who will be affected
> by mining. Moreover, Article 15 (“Public Utility”) declares mining a
> public activity, which some members of the opposition argue can be used
> to expropriate indigenous land for a supposed collective good. Article
> 16 (“State Dominion Over Mines and Oil Fields”) allows the government
> alone to define “national interest,” which critics believe will focus
> solely on income. And Article 28 (“Prospecting Freedoms”) allows any
> business to “liberally prospect for mineral substances” on community and
> indigenous land.5
> After the Mining Law passed, social movements, led primarily by
> indigenous nationalities throughout the country, mobilized in response,
> claiming that the law violates the new Constitution’s environmental
> provisions—especially those that declare access to clean drinking water
> and access to a healthy environment to be inviolable human rights, as
> well as those that ascribe to the environment itself the right to be
> respected, sustainably maintained, and regenerated. Critics further
> argue that the track record of Ecuadoran mining demonstrates that the
> industry’s practices fundamentally conflict with these constitutionally
> protected rights.
> While many Ecuadoran groups have worked for years at the local level
> either to oppose particular mining projects or to lobby for
> environmental improvements or cleanup of specific mining sites, a
> national opposition movement—including indigenous, urban, environmental,
> Afro-Ecuadoran, and humanitarian groups—with the more ambitious goal of
> banning large-scale metal mining was first built after Correa’s
> election. The Mining Law thus provided a focal point around which this
> movement’s nationwide efforts have coalesced.6
> Several protests have demonstrated the cross-national and
> cross-organizational unity against the Mining Law and the Canada-based
> transnational mining corporations. On November 10, 2008, about 200
> activists from throughout the country, including executive members of
> the Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), marched on the
> Canadian Embassy in Quito, where they declared Canadian miners
> “unwelcome” in Ecuador. A week later, thousands throughout Ecuador
> protested the Mining Law, then still pending, in marches led by the
> Unified Community Water Systems of Azuay (UNAGUAS) and the Federation of
> Campesino Organizations.7
> It was not until the passage of the Mining Law, however, that protests
> and debate became widespread. January 12, the day the law was passed by
> Congress, was designated by the anti-mining movement as the Day of
> Mobilization for Life; thousands mobilized that day throughout Ecuador.
> About 4,000 indigenous people blockaded the Latacunga-Ambato highway in
> the south, and tens of thousands mobilized in Quito, Cuenca, the Amazon,
> and on the coast.8 Some protest leaders were detained and charged with
> terrorism; one Amazonian leader disappeared only to reappear later with
> a gunshot wound in his head. Police officers were also wounded.9
> In response, Correa again called those who oppose his mining law
> “childish,” “nobodies,” and “allies of the right.”10 “It is absurd that
> some want to force us to remain like beggars sitting atop a bag of
> gold,” he said in a January 24 radio address, promising to move forward
> with the mining plan.11
> These accusations deepened the rift between Correa and the social
> movements that supported the Ecuadoran constitution and are now
> increasingly disillusioned with the possibility that Correa represents a
> continuation of neoliberal policy. Humberto Cholango, the president of
> Ecuarunari, an indigenous organization representing the Ecuadoran
> sierra, contended in a recent statement: “The president needs only to
> look to either side to see the right.”12
> *
> Already in 2008, before the Constitution was approved, the leaders of
> Women for Life, the Coalition in Defense of Water, and other popular
> movements in Quito made clear in interviews that their support for the
> Constitution should not be mistaken as support for Correa. Said Gonzalo
> Guzmán, secretary for natural resources for Ecuarunari: “[Our
> organization] will vote yes for the new Constitution, but we are voting
> for the Constitution, not for Correa.” Luis Esparza, executive council
> member of the Urban Forum coalition of popular groups, echoed this
> feeling: “We are not a Correa fan club. We are social organizations.”
> Such tensions were already evident in the deliberations that took place
> on the Constituent Assembly’s Roundtable 5, which focused on natural
> resources and biodiversity. Composed of eight assembly members from
> Correa’s party, Alianza País, along with two from the right-wing,
> militaristic Sociedad Patriótica, one from the right-wing Partido
> Renovador Institucional Acción Nacional, and one from the socialist
> Movimiento Popular Democrático, Roundtable 5 began by mapping out the
> use of natural resources and protection of Ecuador’s biodiversity in an
> international, national, and local context. National meetings were held
> to garner public opinion on the issues involved, granting civilian
> groups the opportunity to submit proposals. Roundtable 5 ultimately
> approved 23 articles. Together with its comprehensive prohibition of
> water privatization, it also included a remarkable declaration that
> nature itself is entitled to legally enforceable rights.
> Yet the issue of privatization divided the roundtable’s Alianza País
> delegates, with some favoring leeway for privatization under certain
> circumstances. Although privatizing natural resources and water was
> ultimately prohibited, an exception was added to allow the president to
> ask Congress for permission to extract resources. Mónica Chuji, the
> chair of Roundtable 5 and former communications secretary for the Correa
> government, describes this as “one of biggest deceptions of the
> Constitution.”
> Another contested proposal, which was ultimately defeated, stated that
> the government must be given consent from indigenous people residing on
> land where natural resources are to be extracted. The final article
> states that indigenous groups must only be “consulted”; they do not give
> permission.
> Although the Constitutional Assembly members drafted and approved the
> articles pertaining to natural resources, a long process of
> social-movement engagement led to their implementation. Since the 1980s,
> indigenous organizations like CONAIE and Ecuarunari, as well as
> nonprofit organizations like Acción Ecológica, have fought the
> exploitation of oil, water, and precious metals, and they have protested
> pollution, deforestation, and the use of genetically modified organisms
> (GMOs). Moreover, fierce fights against the privatization of oil,
> electricity, and telecommunications have taken place, largely generated
> by popular mobilization in rural areas.
> According to Ecuarunari’s Cholango, the result has been a shift in the
> culture toward respect for indigenous ancestral knowledge and the rights
> of land, and this is now reflected in the constitution: Chapter 2,
> Article 12, states that access to water is a fundamental human right.
> Article 13 asserts that the population has the right to live in a
> healthy and sustainable ecological environment—abiding by sumak kawsay,
> a key indigenous principle meaning “living well,” representing the need
> for people and the environment to coexist harmoniously. Article 15
> declares that the state will promote clean technology and alternative,
> nonpolluting energy, and that energy sovereignty should not affect the
> population’s right to water.
> Chapter 7 outlines the specific rights of the environment. Article 71
> states that the environment, or Pachamama, has the right to be respected
> and that its cycle structure, functions, and evolutionary processes
> should be maintained and regenerated. Every person, community, and
> nationality should enforce the rights of nature, the article maintains,
> while the state is to provide incentives to protect nature and promote
> its rights. Article 73 states that introducing organisms, i.e., GMOs, or
> organic and inorganic material that will change Ecuador’s national
> genetic patrimony is prohibited. Article 74 describes the right of
> people, communities, and nationalities to benefit from the environment
> and natural riches that allow them to live well.
> Yet the environmental movement is divided over whether the Constitution
> really does provide a sound legal basis for opposing Correa’s mining
> plans. Ivonne Ramos, president of Acción Ecológica, argues that the
> Constitution does not fundamentally question the state’s reliance on
> natural resources as its primary source of income. She adds that this is
> a particularly challenging reality when coupled with the ambitious
> social programs called for in the Constitution: How will Ecuador’s
> government finance these programs without exploiting natural resources?
> Ramos argues that Correa, as a capitalista popular (people’s
> capitalist), will be unable to deliver on the progressive promises of
> fully protecting natural resources.
> “Correa has stated that his principal enemy are ecologists and thus
> politicized these problems,” she says.
> *
> After the January protests, the Correa administration moved to close
> down several organizations that helped lead the protests against the
> mining plan, including the Development Council of the Indigenous
> Nationalities and Peoples of Ecuador (CODENPE). Correa argued that
> CODENPE’s executive secretary was misusing the organization’s funds to
> favor her home province. In February, Correa placed the National
> Directorate of Intercultural Bilingual Education (DINEIB), which had
> supported the anti-mining movement, under control of the Ministry of
> Education, thus undermining its autonomy.-
> Then, in March, the government withdrew the legal status of Acción
> Ecológica via the Ministry of Health, through which Acción Ecológica had
> obtained its NGO charter. Health Minister Caroline Chang said the
> organization did not fulfill the objectives it was registered for, while
> the organization countered that the imposed legal complications were a
> form of censorship due to the group’s activist opposition to the Mining
> Law.13 Acción Ecológica received support both nationally and
> internationally, with author-activist Naomi Klein writing an open letter
> to Correa denouncing “something all too familiar: a state seemingly
> using its power to weaken dissent.”14
> In response to widespread criticism, the health minister released a
> statement claiming that the revocation was not politically motivated,
> but was rather an administrative decision—Acción Ecológica, Chang said,
> should be registered under the Ministry of the Environment, which did
> not exist when the group formed in 1986. Acción Ecológica’s legal status
> was then temporarily reinstated, though a final legal decision was still
> pending in early August. Ramos, however, remains concerned about
> Correa’s attempt to reorganize grassroots organizations and NGOs by
> placing them under the National Secretariat for Planning and
> Development, thereby co-opting their organizational objectives and work.15
> Despite the growing animosity between social movements and the Correa
> government, Correa was re-elected to a second term as president on April
> 26, winning 52% of the vote and becoming the first Ecuadoran
> presidential candidate to win an election without a runoff in 30 years.
> Yet in interviews, social movement leaders continued their refrain:
> Support for the new Constitution is not necessarily support for Correa.
> *
> The official narrative of the new Constitution centers on Correa’s
> efforts to chart an alternative trajectory for Ecuador. But this
> narrative obscures the decades-long struggle of the country’s social
> movements for radical change. Indigenous organizations like CONAIE and
> its partner political organization, Pachakutik, have worked since the
> early 1980s to fight for an Ecuador that, among other things, respects
> the plurinationality of the populace and opposes the privatization and
> exploitation of natural resources.
> These decades of organizing have resulted in at least a partial shift
> toward reorganizing the state apparatus to show greater respect for
> natural resources. Correa has not been at the forefront of these
> movements, however, and natural resource protections granted in the
> Constitution stem more from the grassroots than from the National
> Palace. This tension is likely to foster continued conflict in the
> months and years ahead.
> Paul Dosh teaches political science at Macalester College, where Nicole
> Kligerman is majoring in Latin American studies.
> 1. Jesús Valencia and César Flores helped interview members of Ecuador’s
> Constitutional Assembly and leaders of popular movements in Quito. This
> research was supported by a Wallace International Research Grant, a
> Student-Faculty Summer Research Grant from Macalester College, and a
> grant from the Associated Colleges of the Midwest in support of
> innovative faculty-student collaboration. We are also grateful to Emily
> Hedin, Glen Kuecker, and David Seitz for their feedback on earlier drafts.
> 2. Silvia Santacruz, “Correa Confirms WFT, Condemns Eco-Extremists,”
> Ecuador Mining News, October 14, 2008,
> ecuadorminingnews.com/archives.php?id=105.
> 3. Glen Kuecker, “Fighting for the Forests: Grassroots Resistance to
> Mining in Northern Ecuador,” Latin American Perspectives 34, no. 2
> (March 2007): 95–97.
> 4. Daniel Denvir, “Resource Wars in Ecuador: Indigenous People Accuse
> President Rafael Correa of Selling Out to Mining Interests,” In These
> Times, February 28, 2009.
> 5. Raúl Zibechi, “Ecuador: The Logic of Development Clashes With
> Movements,” Americas Program Report, March 17, 2009,
> americas.irc-online.org/am/5965.
> 6. Jennifer Moore, “Ecuador: Mining Protests Marginalized, but Growing,”
> Upside Down World, January 21, 2009,
> upsidedownworld.org/main/content/view/1673/1.
> 7. Daniel Denvir, Jennifer Moore, and Teresa Velasquez, “In Ecuador,
> Mass Mobilizations Against Mining Confront President Correa,” Upside
> Down World, November 19, 2008,
> upsidedownworld.org/main/content/view/1588/49.
> 8. Zibechi, “Ecuador: The Logic of Development.”
> 9. Denvir, “Resource Wars in Ecuador.”
> 10. Zibechi, “Ecuador: The Logic of Development.”
> 11. Denvir, “Resource Wars in Ecuador.”
> 12. Zibechi, “Ecuador: The Logic of Development.”
> 13. Jennifer Moore, “Swinging From the Right: Correa and Social
> Movements in Ecuador,” Upside Down World, May 13, 2009,
> upsidedownworld.org/main/content/view/1856/49.
> 14. Naomi Klein, “Open Letter to President Rafael Correa Regarding
> Closure of Acción Ecológica,” March 12, 2009.
> 15. Moore, “Swinging From the Right.”

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